Sunday, March 24, 2013

[Sponsored Review] Buty Color 10 Pair and ES 10 pair lower lashes

Hello muffin cakes!

I'm a few blog posts behind so I'm trying to catch up~

Starting with this sponsored review!

KKCENTERHK generously sponsored me two boxes of lashes!
Now, normally I would have an OH SO ADORABLE picture of my face righttt here (LOL) ---->
But I've been prepping for school (starts in 2 days!) so I've been a little all over the place. BUT! That doesn't mean the review is any less awesomeee~ And in any case, the picture is a lot more to the point..since it's a giant eye.

Click "READ MORE" for the review! :3

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Behind the Scenes: Creative Week

This past week has been MAJORLY busy.

I had a jam packed week of photoshoots in Miami and Wellington, and then during the weekend, I was attending Megacon in Orlando.

This post is picture heavy so I'll be putting all of it under a cut (which I normally do anyways :3)

(I'll be making a separate post for Megacon even though I didn't take many pictures. :/ I forgot my camera in my hotel room and it's about a 5-10 minute walk that I didn't feel like taking. xD)

My Zuca Sports Pro

Alright guys!
So, I haven't blogged in a little while….I've been decently busy and just haven't had the time…plus I was super sad because no one has been commenting on my blog recently. LOL

Anyways, I'm currently on a plane to Fort Lauderdale as I type this and gawdddd I hate planes. Not even just planes but more of the…feeling of falling. Free falling if you will. It's for the same reason that I hate roller coasters. I just hate the falling feeling.
When we were taking off I couldn't help but hold my breath and wait until we actually go into the air before I released it.

Click "READ MORE" for the rest of the post!