Tuesday, April 22, 2014

[Sponsored Review] SoLolita Necklace/ Bracelet/ Headband / Earring/ Socks Review (PICTURE HEAVY)

Hey guysss~

Today I bring you a LONGGGGG review!
I'll be reviewing 5 items in total that were graciously given to me for review purposes by SoLolita~

They gave me the choice of picking out a necklace, bracelet, headdress, earrings and socks so I quickly got started and went through their whole site to make sure I picked the perfect ones.

Friday, April 11, 2014

[Sponsored Review] Cosmos Blush EyeShadow Powder Paper


Long time no see! 

I've been a bit behind since I had to leave state suddenly and just got back. Now I'm dealing with the 6 hour time difference and jumping straight back into work. OH THE HORRORS OF ADULTHOOD, haha.

Anyways, this review is LONG overdue and I hope you enjoy it! :)

KKCENTERHK is a long time sponsor of mine and I"m always so grateful for anything they send to me to review. :)
This most recent time, I wanted to try out something different. Something that I've never even gotten close to.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Giveaway has been EXTENDED!

That's right!

Due to some personal things that came up, I had to leave state for a week (which happened to be the week that the giveaway ended!) so~ I've decided the extend the giveaway until the 30th of April!

For all the other details~ GO HERE:

That is all.