Monday, February 23, 2015

[Sponsored Review] Disney Len Emerald Green

Hello again~

Another post featuring my ever attention hungry kitty! 
Apple Of Your Eyes sent me these green lenses along with the previous blue ones since they match~

I've also switched computers so I haven't yet tweaked the images to where they actually appear how they're supposed to, color wise. 

Click the jump to read about these lenses!
Saturday, February 21, 2015

[Sponsored Review] Disney Princess Blue


Here's another long over-due review of the Disney Princess Blue lenses that were sponsored to me by the ever amazing, Apple Of Your Eyes!

Also, a guest star makes an appearance!

Recently I haven't been wearing lenses as much since it's just such a hassle to put them in, in the morning and it seems my eyes have become super sensitive to contacts because of it.

Click the jump to see how these lenses did with my ever temperamental eyes!

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

[Sponsored Review] Costume Super Center Red and White Super Hero Boots

Hello all!

I've been gone for a while since it's gotten pretty hectic in my life.
First it was the holidays, then it was bad weather and then my second job started taking off!

There's tons of reviews backed up now that I'll be (hopefully) getting out ASAP.

Costume Super Center honored me with a chance to review a product that would be help along my next cosplay and also be featured in it.
At the time, I had been looking at the Kotobukiya Bishoujo series that are based off of Shunya Yamashita's artwork and was inspired.

By what exactly?...