Monday, June 24, 2013

Versatile Blogger Award!

First, I'd like to say thank you to the people who nominated me for this. :)
I've been nominated before but never got around to doing it because I don't follow many blogs that haven't already done this so I felt like it would be redundant for me to re-nominate them and such...

Well...I guess I'm over that even though the situation is the same. xD
I was nominated twice in the past month so I guess that's what's making me do this. The most recent nominators were Dolly and Junniku, so thank you again!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

[Sponsored Review] Sexy Halloween Costume Miss Whiplash (picture heavy)


I know I keep promising to be more active in blogging but honestly, nothing to blog-worthy has happened.

I graduated school (JUST GOT MY LICENSE IN THE MAIL! :D) and am looking for an esthetician job and planning on moving soon...but that's not really stuff I'd blog about since it'd be pretty boring.

Anyways, a little while ago I stumbled across a site that allows you to review halloween costumes!
You submit your blog to them and they review it to see if they'd like to have their stuff on your site, ask you what costume you'd like (under $35) and send it out to you!'s HARD to decide on costumes, even harder when you have a budget so, for my love of catsuits, I got one. :3

(Disclaimer? All of this is 100% my very own opinion. Even though I can be candy...and brownies with ice cream...GAWD BROWNIES AND ICECREAM. SOO GOOOOOODDDD. Also..none of these pictures are photoshoped.)