Sunday, December 22, 2013

[Review] True Promise Beauty ONE Universal Skin Cleanser


I have some posts coming up about the recent wig haul I did butttt for now I'll be reviewing this product!

True Promise Beauty's ONE Universal skin cleaner!

We just got it in at work and I wanted to try it right away since I'm always looking to try new cleansers. :)

Keep reading to find out more!

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Late Christmas/ New Year swap anyone? :3


I'm just making a post to put it out there that I'd LOVE to partake in a Christmas swap!

I've been meaning to put this out but kept on pushing it back for reasons andddd now, it'd probably be a late Christmas/New Years swap since the post office gets ambushed during this time of year.

If you're interested in swapping, just leave a comment on this blog post or email me (it can be found in the "contact" thing up top) with the following:


 I'm not really picky about where you're located as long as you're able to get your hands on cosmetics that I can't. :3 
We can go over details through email~

Friday, December 13, 2013

[Sponsored Review] Shinny/Puffy 3 tone Turquoise + Video

Hello again!

Not only that, but, this one has a video!

Basically the video and this post are the same thing both or just one!
(If you want to just watch the video, go to the very end :p)

I received an email a little while ago about posting reviews on my youtube and jumped at the chance!
Like my blog, I started off posting frequently...and then slowly hopefully this will be a push in the right direction! was nice enough to send me a pair of lenses to review on my youtube channel and I couldn't help but make a matching blog post sooooo, here we go!

[Sponsored Review] Ailin Foundation stick 331/132 and Baby Queen 501

Hello again!
If you can tell (which you probably can't because I like to stick to pink/peach) my layout changed just a tadddd~ I kinda wanted to go for a whole new look...but decided against it, haha.

Anyways! I bring you a long overdue review!

The products were graciously sponsored to me by KKCENTERHK to keep me blogging! (Because if I didn't have reviews to do..I'd probably not blog for monthssssss, haha)

Since most of the products I'm reviewing here are foundations, I decided to keep the makeup focused more on the skin also. :3

(As a disclaimer: None of these photos have been edited. Promise.)

Monday, December 2, 2013

Get to Know Me Survey 1 and Puppy Update/ pics!


Today I'm bringing you something a little different. :) 
I found this survey thingy on tumblr when my friend posted it so I decided to post it as a filler!
Reviews are a lot of fun for me but I know that they're not always the most entertaining so I just wanted to put something else on my blog.

So...I guess this is just a little "Get to know me" things!

Also! At the very end of the post, there's PUPPY PICTURES! :D