Saturday, September 6, 2014

[Sponsored Review] Lolitadressesshop Cotten Sweet Strawberry Sundae OP Infanta

Hello all!

I bring you a review about my latest addition to my loli closet!
Lolitadressesshop graciously sponsored me this ADORABLE lolita dress and I can't wait to share my experience with you~
Recently I went to my first local loli mett-up since moving (a year ago x__x) and I've been really wanting to expand on my lolita clothing. Most of my stuff is bodyline or from an Indie brand that I've worked with before. Since I'm still relatively new to actually dressing this way, I've been getting very simple basics to get my feet wet~
Hopefully I'll be expanding more soon!

To see the full dress and read about what I think about it, click "READ MORE"~

Here is a screen shot of the sales page for this particular dress. Only $67.99! I think that's a pretty good price for a dress even if you're just starting out!

It goes over a few other pictures that have details of it, but, I took some of my own!

I'm not exactly sure how long shipping took but the representative said to be patient since they were making the dress as well...I think the total process only took about a month~

When I received the dress, it was folded neatly in a polyurethane bag (which I quickly tore apart, haha)

I immediately threw it on my manny and took some pictures~


 The back has some shirring and comes with a light pink ribbon to lace it up~
The bottom of the dress is a really soft chiffon ruffle!

And a zipper on the side to help you get in~

The dress comes with a bow that has two pins attached to it so you can attach it to the dress but you could also put it on a headband or attach it to your head using a bobby pin~

I definitely think this dress looks best with the bell styled petticoats!
To get the fullness that I have under the skirt, I actually use 2 petticoats and 1 tutu (for the top)~
The skirt actually ends JUST at the knees for me but , obviously, depending on the angle, it can look longer.

The sizing chart on the site is a little off but the lolitadressesshop team are more then happy to help! I know that I normally order a "M" or medium in asian sizes so I just went ahead and got that size and it fit!

The fabric has no give so it's a little weird trying to pull it over your head but it's relatively easy. The sleeves are a little tight (on my right side atleast) but I actually have pretty big arms for my size (I used to swim a lot and I also do some pretty heavy lifting at my job now) so I'm sure if you're in the "norm" as far as arm sizes, this should fit!

Now for the flaws!

There's only 2 that I really noticed. One of them was that there were random threads hanging off the dress. Nothing to complain about, just snip them off!

The next flaw is that there are small black dots throughout one side of the pattern.
I tried to wipe them off and it seems it's a part of the print? They're very small and not at all noticeable so it's not a big deal to me!

Overall I'm very pleased with this dress!

The dress is made out of a nice medium cotton, fits to the average medium *asian* size, and everything is sewn well! It's at a very good price since I've seen "cheaper" brands go for about this!
It's super adorable and also comes with a bow~


  1. This dress looks SO ADORABLE ON YOUU! :) <3 So cute~~ I think pink looks awesome on you, haha~

    Junniku blog [Click!]

    1. Thank you! :D Pink is my favorite color so I always lean towards pink things. xD

  2. Awww I really love the design of this dress, the lollies and cakes are so cute :)
    You look so pretty ^_^~

