Monday, February 23, 2015

[Sponsored Review] Disney Len Emerald Green

Hello again~

Another post featuring my ever attention hungry kitty! 
Apple Of Your Eyes sent me these green lenses along with the previous blue ones since they match~

I've also switched computers so I haven't yet tweaked the images to where they actually appear how they're supposed to, color wise. 

Click the jump to read about these lenses!

I always like taking these super up close shots since it shows all the cool designs in the actual lens and can show off the color.

I originally wanted to save these lenses to do a Pony inspired look that I saw on MEMEbox. Pony and Memebox collaborated to create a palette of eyeshadows and all of her looks were very attainable so I had wanted to do similar makeup and put on a wig. Unfortunately, I could never find the matching wig. :(

These lenses are a emerald shade in general but start out with an outer black gimbal ring and fade into a soft yellow. On the eyes, they're a little on the darker side but the color is still noticeable. They still show up in indoor lighting albeit very dark. 

Listed at 16.5mm I can't really tell a difference in size from the blue 16.0mm. These enlarge just as well without being super obvious. Like I said, the 16 range seems to be my favorite sizes since they're just in-between being costumey and natural.
With my two jobs, life has been pretty busy so I've been fitting in reviews early in the morning so I haven't worn them for a long period of time. With the short amount of time that I did have them in (about 1 and a half hours) they were super comfortable and I couldn't feel them at all. I always have great luck with lenses from Apple Of Your Eyes though!



  1. i love this green. It looks so good on you!

  2. ♡ ♡ ♡ its looks so pretty on you !!!
    the circle lens are very beautiful
    o love the color
    XOXO ♡
