Saturday, February 21, 2015

[Sponsored Review] Disney Princess Blue


Here's another long over-due review of the Disney Princess Blue lenses that were sponsored to me by the ever amazing, Apple Of Your Eyes!

Also, a guest star makes an appearance!

Recently I haven't been wearing lenses as much since it's just such a hassle to put them in, in the morning and it seems my eyes have become super sensitive to contacts because of it.

Click the jump to see how these lenses did with my ever temperamental eyes!

I know that I've been sticking to very "neutral" looks recently...and I definitely think they're the best to show off just the lenses...but please let me know if you'd like to see something different!

My usual makeup looks are based around browns/golds/etc but I love to experiment with color as well. Maybe my usual looks are just too boring? xD
Do you all prefer more gyaru inspired makeup? Lolita looks? Natural? Creative? In put always helps me!
As far as wear time, they were pretty comfortable in my eyes but I was only able to wear them for about 4 hours. This is actually normal for me right now because even with clear contacts, I've been having a hard time wearing them for long durations of time. 

I think I need to build my contact stamina back up, haha.
These lenses go from a dark black limbal ring to a grey and blue mix that transitions to a bright yellow. The blue is a nice medium blue that doesn't show up too dark on my brown eyes (which is usually a problem with blues). They're not the "brightest" blue I own but they're definitely a nice vibrant color~ The yellow middle seems to be decently common with blue lenses. I guess it helps transition the color so it looks more "natural"? It's a nice touch either way. :3

 The diameter for these lenses is listed as 16.0mm~ I can see the enlargement the moment I put them in my eyes but they're not SO large that they look overly unrealistic. They're pretty subtle which I think is great. These are actually the sizes I prefer in lenses for just normal wear. They enlarge, but not too much. 
They were pretty comfortable and I put them in with no problems and didn't feel them. Like I mentioned before, I haven't been wearing lenses as often so my eyes still need time to adjust to wearing them again but I could definitely see myself wearing these out as "practice" lenses for my eyes to get used to wearing them for longer periods of time again. 

Special guesttttttttt~~ PUA!
I was recently able to bring my childhood cat over to my apartment to live with me! She's such an attention hog and will constantly come for pets when I'm taking photos for my blog. She'll climb in my lap and just start purring and will even "meow" for my attention so that I'll pet her.
I'm the type of person that can't say "no" to a cute face so I give her almost everything she wants. xD SO SPOILED!
My little, fluffy, creamsicle kitty~

1 comment :

  1. Love the picture of you and Pua! Love the lenses too. Very pretty. I like that they're a deeper blue!
