Wednesday, March 4, 2015

[Sponsored Review] BornPrettyStore Review 5 pair Lashes and Lipstick

Hello again~
(I feel like I always start my posts like this..xD)

I present to you a 2-for-1 review!
BornPrettyStore was so great to me and sponsored the products for this review which include a set of lashes and a lipstick!

As always, I give nothing but my own opinions! I think that honest reviews are always the best even when sponsored because you have to look out for your readers who may be in between deciding on products.

100% my honest opinion! (Though I mayyyyy be bribed with sweets. ;D)

First up for scrutiny!

BornPretty sent me a small page of products that I could choose from and, although I've been trying to stay away from lashes since they're the "easy" choice, I couldn't stay away from these ones.

These lashes don't really have a name and instead just has a description so I'll stick the link here: ~Lashes desu~

The lashes come packed on a hot pink lash "rack". It's looks very similar to a lot of asian brand lashes!
You get 5 sets on this sheet of the same lashes for only $4.79. That's right. 4.79!!! I see stores here selling 1 pair of lashes for 1.99 so this is definitely a bargain!

I would say these are on the more natural side with alternating thickness throughout the lash.

The lashes have a CLEAR band which are my absolute favorite. The lash band blends into the liner so easily that I often don't go for any other type of lash band.

The band was extremely flexible which is always important to fitting several different types of eye shapes.
I couldn't feel them on at all and there was absolutely no sticking or poking from the lashes.

Overall, these lashes are a GREAT natural lash by themselves or could be layered with others to give a nice full lash for gyaru makeup. 


I don't normally go out of the box with lipstick colors for myself but I used this sponsorship as an excuse to experiment.

They have 12 shades listed and I decided upon shade number :11.
Colors ranged from nude pinks to bright reds and this one just stuck out to me because it wasn't either of those~ Out of all the pinks and reds, this purple one was chosen!
At only $2.99 this lipstick was super cheap and came with a lot of color!
The only down side I could think of was that the formula was a tad bit dry. Unless you had perfectly hydrated and exfoliated lips, it did catch on the skin. If you top it off with a gloss, it looks beautiful but I think you need to prep your lips a lot if you want to wear this one.

By itself, the color is a bright, almost neon purple like below

 but, when topped off with a colored gloss, it changes colors to be something more subtle~


  1. The lipstick color is so vibrant O: Looks great on you though!

    blog @ k a r i m e w . c o m

    1. Thank you! I've always been a fan of nudes and soft pinks but I think it's fun to try new things every now and then~

  2. pretty!! loving your blog so i followed
    hope we can be friends!

    1. Thank you so much! I'll be sure to follow back so we can both enjoy each others blogs. :)
