Sunday, October 10, 2021

OLENs Vampire Silver Review


Just in time for Halloween~
If you have been using circle lenses for as long as I have, then you're probably familiar with cosplay lenses. Or even the "old school" circle lenses that are HIGH drama and super enlarging. I do feel like the industry is expanding more towards everyday lenses which is one of the things I personally love about Olens but, there's always a need for the more dramatic ones also. 

When I say I've had my fair share of lenses, I mean it. You could just look through my review history going years back and would see that I've tried some crazy (and large) lenses. With that being said, not all of them have been comfortable. Wether it was the material they were made out of, the fit, etc, some lenses just didn't feel right. Because of that, I've slowly become more and more hesitant to use the enlarging creative lenses unless I've used that brand before and know their quality. I knew Olens wouldn't let me down though!

Well! Although the collection isn't large, if you're looking for red and silver lenses, I may have found the ones for you!

The basics~
This line comes in only 2 colors but they're vastly different. (They're both "vampire" lenses but I kinda see one as vampire and the silver ones as werewolf, haha)

Silver and Red

$24 a box (1 Pair = 2 lenses)

Graphic Diameter = 13.5 mm
Lens Diameter = 14.0 mm

Base Curve:


(This is my creative close up of the eye. LOL)

Don't you think it looks very werewolf-ish?! 
Because of how different the two lenses are, I tried to go with two completely different looks for them. This one obviously more darker and smokey.

I'm honestly not too great with halloween and sfx makeup so...this is it. LOL

The color of the silver lenses is so interesting! The outer limbal ring is a dark black that goes into a bright silver gray which fades to an amber gold. Because of the colors, I really do think it gives off a werewolf vibe to me. Maybe it's just me though...haha

Something really interesting about the design is how the colors have rigid "spikes" in them. It doesn't just fade naturally or blend the colors into each other which help give it a more unnatural look.

Although these lenses are still 14mm, they look enlarging! Because of that dark limbal ring that adds so much definition to the eye, it makes your eyes look bigger.

I know this isn't surprising necessarily, but these are super comfortable. Something that I've experienced in the past with costume lenses like this is that, the size could make them uncomfortable for some people but, because these are still a normal 14mm, they don't have that risk. You get the enlarging and creative eye factor without the discomfort.

Make sure to check out Olens Global by clicking : Here

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