Thursday, January 19, 2023

OLENS Double Tint Review [ Gray and Brown]

Here we are again. This past year I opened up my own business/spa and haven't had a lot of time to focus on other things.

The whole joke of "I didn't want to work a 9-5 so instead I work 24/7 now" hits hard now, haha.
Anyways! I still try to make time to make sure I'm keeping you all updated on the newest releases of OLENs lenses and I believe this is the first release of 2023!

And here's is OLENs newest lenses, Double Tiny in Gray and Brown!

"Mellow and pure shade with a double highlight pattern makes your eyes more luminous in every moment. Double your healthy eye styling with premium material, Puscon."

The color of these remind me of their GLOWY lenses except these ones have a halo effect with the double highlight instead of the single one that glows has. 

Gray and Brown

$21 a box (10 lenses a box = 5 pairs)
(AT the time of posting, it's on sale for 16.17)

Graphic Diameter = 12.9
Lens Diameter = 14.2 mm

Base Curve:


Both of these lenses are very subtle. In my head I have lenses categorized into different subsets-

Natural Everyday - (The most subtle type which ranges from clear to barely there in color and has minimal enlargement)
Your eyes but Better (This type of lens would fall into this category. It's natural enough that you can wear them daily but they add light and some color)
Natural Vibrant (Colored lenses that blend well and have a realistic look to them...but you know you're wearing lenses)
Vibrant (These are the lenses that are usually bright colors but are a little more muted then the costume lenses)
Costume (You know.)

And now that I've explained them...there you go, haha.

I think this is an upgrade version of the Glory lenses if you're looking for something that adds little more light to your eyes. Gives a halo effect~

There's not much enlarging on this lens but it does have a "finishing" touch to a look with the limbal ring.

10/10 Super comfort!

Make sure to check out Olens Global by clicking : Here

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