Monday, August 27, 2012

[Review] G&G Shinny Green (Puffy 3 tone)

FINALLY HOME! Which means I'm finally able to finish up my circle lens review!
Like the title says, this is a review of the G&G Shinny Green which is also known as Puffy 3 Tone Green from Pinkyparadise!

Out of all contact colors I prefer green the most since it looks the most "natural" to me and I just love how I look with green eyes.

Click "READ MORE" for the rest of the post! 8D

Basic Info:
Diameter: 14.5mm
Water Content: 38%
Base Curve: 8.6mm


The color is GORGEOUS! It's like..a bright forest green then goes into a hazel brown around the pupil. Not super bright like the Princess Pinky Twilight series but the color is very vibrant and shows up very well. Even in natural light!

 These lenses are probably the most comfortable out of all the ones I've bought this time around ( I haven't tried the blue ones yet so can't say for sure) I couldn't even feel them in my eyes!  So nice!

These lenses are 14.5mm. The enlargement on this is really nice! Not too big but just enough to make my eyes look super dolly. LOVE THESE LENSES SOOO MUCHHHHH! AHGGGGG.



  1. You look so pretty!I have these in blue and I want to try out basically this entire series. Pink, grey and green look so lovely!

    1. Sankyuu~ Me too! All of them look so pretty! And they're super comfy so I really can't wait to try the rest out as well. :D

  2. These lenses look so nice on you :) Very pretty colour of green :)
